Today I'd like to introduce about..

HOW TO MAKE “Hand-Rolled Sushi”

Difference between “sushi” and “hand-rolled sushi”…?
Sushi is that raw fish or fillings usually are on the rice.
Or dried laver seaweed is rolled side of it. and
I will introduce about Hand-rolled sushi.
This is often eaten at home, because it is easier to make than that type of sushi. Also Japanese people hardly ever make this sushi at home!

*ingredients* for 2 person (you don’t need to prepare exactly.)
・Cooked rice….2 cup of rice
・Dried laver seaweed…20×20, 5 sheets
・Vinegar for sushi…45cc (if you don’t have vinegar for sushi, you should use normal vinegar: 45cc, salt: 5g, sugar: 18g)

*Fillings* you can choose whatever you like!
・Tuna with mayonnaise
・Raw fish (we chose tuna, prawn, scallop, bream, salmon, salmon roe…and so on)
↓how to add vinegar to cooked rice.
You need to add vinegar to cooked rice, like this.
If you use fan, vinegar will be easy to match the cooked hot rice
↓how to make an egg crape
↓how to make tuna with mayonnaise
Only you need to do is just to eat!
before you eat, you need to cut the dried laver seaweed.
↓ after ________↓ brfore

you can use the scissors or you can cut by your hands.
Let's eat!!
we made these.
We ate all of them!
Relationship between "Hand-rolled sushi"and "Ehomaki"
We often eat them on February 3rd, because this day is called “Setsubun” which means people throw away their evil thoughts and take the luck.
Japanese people often eat “Ehomaki” which came from (Osaka) West of Japan. If you finish eating all of it closed eyes and without speaking, you can get luck this year.
In East of Japan, people are not familiar with “Ehomaki” custom, so they eat “Hand-rolled sushi” instead, but we’ve never tried that custom using Hand-rolled sushi.
I live in East of Japan, however, I often see “Ehomaki” at many shops even convenience store.
Also Hand-rolled sushi is easier to make than Ehomaki and normal sushi, so people often eat at home.
Little children can enjoy eating through making it.
Thank you for reading and watching!
I hope you will get interest in Hand-rooled sushi.